What do you charge for your service?

Solar consultations are completely free of charge. You will never owe ClearGreen anything. If you do decide to purchase solar through ClearGreen, ClearGreen is compensated directly from the solar company at no additional charge to you.

What states do you serve?

ClearGreen is headquartered in Maryland and services the entire Mid-Atlantic region. States include Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and Pennsylvania.

What kind of solar projects do you consult on?

ClearGreen works with homeowners and business owners to find the best solar energy solution to fit their needs and exceed their goals. From a 10 panel system on a home to a 1,000+ panel system on a commercial entity, ClearGreen’s got you covered.

Do you provide financing assistance?

ClearGreen knows that one size doesn’t fit all when it comes to financing a solar project, after all, you’re buying 25+ years of electricity in one fell swoop. ClearGreen has many financing options available and will help you understand how each one provides return on your investment.

How many solar panels do I need?

A careful analysis of your electricity use over the last year coupled with forward-looking consideration of any changes you may make impacting your future electricity use informs the ideal system size for your home.

How will an electric vehicle change my usage?

Electric vehicles use a very predictable amount of electricity depending on the type and mileage you drive. A typical smaller electric car like a Chevy Bolt or Tesla Model 3 will drive 4 miles for every kWh of electricity consumption. A larger electric vehicle like a Tesla Model X may only drive 3 miles per kWh. An electric truck will be able to drive about 2 miles per kWh. Your mileage may vary.

Do solar panels degrade over time?

Yes, all solar panels degrade over time, with some degrading faster than others. The very best panels on the market, like the ones we use, are warrantied to produce at least 92% of their initial rated power production at year 25. Lower quality panels degrade faster and may only be warrantied to 80-85% of their initial rated power production.

If the power goes out and the sun is shining, will my panels power my home?

No. All solar energy systems are required to shut down when the grid is down. This requirement protects the utility line workers from electrocution hazard.

My roof has a lot of shade. Would solar work well for me?

Solar panels need direct sunlight for as much of the day as possible. The critical daylight hours are from 9 AM to 3 PM. We conduct a sophisticated analysis of the potential shade impacts to the exact location of the solar panel array to determine the projected electricity production.

I’d like to install an electric vehicle car charger with the solar install, do you do that?

Yes. The installation cost may vary based on level of difficulty of the install, however it generally costs $500 for the install in addition to the cost of the electric vehicle charger. Car chargers are only installed in conjunction with a solar project install.

My home may need an electric system upgrade, do you do that?

Yes, and the prices charged for this service are generally well below that of a typical electrician.

Do you install battery backup systems?

Yes, Tesla Powerwall systems.

Will I receive Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs)?

If you purchase the system, either with your own funds or a solar loan, then you will also own the rights to the SRECs. If you go solar through a lease or a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), then you will not own the SRECs.